Blu Marble
“A monumental, 20-foot, LED structure depicting a live stream of the Earth from space. Visible by day and night, blu Marble invites the public to consider their presence in a form and scale, never experienced before.”
New York, NY - March 7, 2019 - Artist, designer, and activist Sebastian Errazuriz will present his latest public artwork “blu Marble” in New York beginning March 13, 2019. blu Marble is a monumental, 20-foot, LED structure depicting a live stream of the Earth from space. Visible by day and night, blu Marble invites the public to consider their presence in a form and scale that was never experienced before. This contemplative work offers new perspective on our existence and hopes to help humanity make positive change. “blu Marble is a reminder of our miraculously fragile existence. It places our very existence in perspective at a global level – as a tiny spec in space – beckoning us to live fully with awareness and mindfulness of our limited time on this vulnerable and beautiful planet,” explains Sebastian Errazuriz.
I like this project because it takes an outward focus on planet Earth, and turns it back on its audience: the people of earth. This project is meant to open up our perspectives and let go of limitations that hold us back. 50 years ago marks the year that humans traveled to the moon for the first time, and people tend to either take that for granted or forget about it. This installation reminds people of the scale of the planet, of space, and of what is possible!