
Create Account

Are you an interior designer or architect?

Our Trade Account program is perfect for you!


Aurora Collection


By Collection


Below are a series of resources and toolkits that we use in the design, development, production, and publication of our projects and products. Each is a guideline based on a number of assumptions and generalizations taken from our research and experiences - so take with a grain of salt!

Production Distribution Model

Production Cost / Risk Profit Share Distribution Scale
diy from home low high etsy / markets 1
studio mid high online shop 10
start outsourcing mid mid b2c & b2b 100
outsource everything high low b2b wholesale 1000
licence out mid low b2b wholesale 100+


Blog Submit Link Contact
Dezeen https://www.dezeen.com/submit-a-story/ Email
Colosal http://www.thisiscolossal.com/submissions/ Email
Core 77 http://codex.core77.com/account/create-project-post Email
Design Milk http://design-milk.com/submit/ Email
Design Boom http://www.designboom.com/readers-submit/ Self Entry
Yanko http://www.yankodesign.com/tips-publication/ Email
Notcot http://www.notcot.org/?action=new Self Entry
Boing Boing http://boingboing.net/sub/ Self Entry
Design Sponge http://www.designsponge.com/contact Self Entry
Design Taxi http://designtaxi.com/faq#c Male
Mashable http://mashable.com/submit/ Email


Outreach Method Cost Payoff
Blogs $ $$$$$
Magazine Articles $ $$
Instagram $ $
Studio Openings $ $
Gallery Events $$$ $$
Magazine advertising $$$$ $$
Social Advertising $ $
Blog Advertising $$$ $$$
Mail Chimp $ $
Word of Mouth $ $$$
Past Customers $ $
Trade Shows $$$$$ $$$

Common Sales Terms

C2C - Consumer to Consumer
B2C - Business to Consumer
B2B - Business to Business

NET30 - Retailer will pay you in 30 days
RRP - Recommended Retail Price
MSRP - Manufacturer's Suggested Retail Price
SKU - Stock Keeping Unit (product reference number) 

Line Sheet - Spreadsheet document with product details
Trade Discount - For sales to interior design companies and architects (often around 15-20% discount)

Local Market - Set up a booth at a local market (C2C / B2C) 

Pop Up - Temporary pop up store in a physical space (B2C) 

Etsy style platform - Online marketplace (C2C / B2C) 

Online Shop - Shop integrated into your website (B2C) 

Dropship - Retailer takes orders and you ship the product directly to the customer (B2B) 

Consignment - Retailer borrows product, pays you once product is sold to the customer (B2B) 

Wholesale - Retailer bulk buys product from you and sells it to consumer (B2B) 

Retail space - Your own physical storefront (B2C)

Cost Breakdown

Wholesale Breakdown

Time Spend

Our internal design process

Initial ideation and exploration including rough sketches and a basic project scope. Ideas could be inspired by materials, technologies, manufacturing processes, collaboration efforts, new product categories, or personal passions. Deliverables for this stage are a selective mix of the following: idea's name, why, sketch, mood, keywords or target market.

Concept and opportunity clearly identified, Often a quick 'paper' prototype is useful for communicating the concept. Integral to the pitch is a detailed plan, including methodologies for how to test and validate the project along the way. Key points to establish at this stage are; What is the value proposition? What do we know already? What do we need to find out and what resources we need to find those things out? Deliverables for the plan should include a trello board, a Lean canvas business plan, timeline with key moments identified, summary deck/slideshow.

Using the plan to develop and validate the concept. This stage will involve several iterations and validation steps, with rounds of prototyping and CAD development. Other elements such as, packaging design, graphic design, user interface, durability, manufacturability, repairability, branding, sales, pricing and business plan will all need to be considered and resolved - often at the expense of each other. This stage is very much about balancing those elements in harmony with the project's value proposition. It is important to remember at this stage that the plan may change and evolve but should remain true to the essence of the project.

The final step of the process is the push to press and promotion effort. How will we launch the product or project, how will we measure its success? What is the breakeven sales point? What blog tier are we aiming for? Would an event make sense? Giveaway programs?


Important Things

Have a Manifesto - put it on the wall. Make it big!
Identify a handful of goals for the year as learning opportunities
Buy a big dry erase yearly calendar / planner to go on the wall
Create specific job descriptions for staff - clearly establish expectations and responsibilities
Have a full day of "fun jobs" every now and then
Start with the why - clearly explain why we are designing the thing before we start designing the thing

Improving Things

Communication, Planning, and Accountability within the team 

Photography and image quality 

Knowing who we are and what we are about 

Packaging design 

Licencing Designs & Design for Licencing

Our Goals

Outsource a part or product to be manufactured locally 

Outsource a part or product to be manufactured in another country 

Licence out at least one product 

Enter at least one design competition 

Collaborate on at least one project with another company

Useful links

Lean Canvas - Business Plan 

HTML Table Generator - For generating HTML tables 

Trello - Organising and planning 

Slack - Communicating and in-studio messaging 

D Scout - Design Research App 

Noun Project - Icons 

Cutlist - A simple, free online cut list calculator - Overholt.org 

Printable Calendar - A simple, free online printable calendar 

Copy-em Paste - Clipboard manager, super useful! 

AM Charts - Web charts & graphs 

 Do you have something you would like to contribute or comments or feedback about any of the above?Contact us here: www.richardclarkson.com/contact