All prices are listed in USD.
You can use our contact form here or email us at hello@richardclarkson.com
Within New Zealand call +64 21 880 234. Within the USA and beyond we can be reached at +1 646 703 1121 from 2pm EST and 9pm EST - or outside of those hours please leave a voice message and we'll call you back (note that due to an increase in robo-calls we are receiving we will only return calls that have left a message).
We have a studio space at 16 Leeward Drive, Porirua 5024, New Zealand and are open by appointment. Most of our products ship from our fulfillment warehouse in Texas, USA. We ship internationally and sell product all over the world.
Custom designs are taken upon request - please use the contact form here.
We offer consulting services in many different areas of design and at many different scales from local businesses to multinational enterprises. For more information on this email us at: hello@richardclarkson.com
Sign up to our Trade Program using this application form. Please note, due to limited units the Cradle Chair and Floating Cloud are not viable for Trade Discounts.
Contact us and we will get back to you about opportunities, terms and next steps.
We ship worldwide, international shipping rates are calculated at checkout - prices are in listed in USD. Any local taxes, VAT or duties are billed by customs to the consignee upon delivery. We currently offer Free Domestic USA shipping on all Cloud products. For more information on our shipping policy.
We have designed each piece to be able to be easily installed by yourself (or in the case of some lighting products by an electrician). We are happy to recommend a local electrician, if you like. For more information see our installation guide.
See here for a few tips and guidelines below about how to clean, care and maintain the different materials we use in our products.
Unless otherwise stated all products are wired for 110-240v at 50-60Hz. Where possible we will ship an adapter to fit the electrical socket of your country. Any local taxes, VAT or duties are billed by customs to the consignee upon delivery.
You are welcome to use images, videos and text from our website but please link back and credit Richard Clarkson Studio unless otherwise stated. You may also use our press packs available here. We love hearing about and sharing articles and publications about us or our products so let us know about them!
See our Policy here.
See our Policy here.